Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Deermablend Concealor Vertiligo

Adeste Fideles

Style Magi, many are leaving from a distance.
not make gifts. Receive them.
beers under the tree 2009. For those who have been good on 11 / 12 / 13 December will come from abroad: Bashah ( Brewdog / Stone ), Santa ( De Ranke ), Hibernation Ale ( Great Divide ), Jule (IPA Beer Here ), Santa's Little Helper ( Mikkel ) Stille Nacht ( De Dolle ) With best wishes ( Dupont ), Tank Top Wishes ( Rulles ) Winterkoninkske ( Kerkom ), Equinox ( De La Senne ), Santa’s Butt Winter Porter ( Ridgeway ).

La lista patriottica include: 25dodici ( Birra del Borgo ), Stella di Natale ( Troll ), X-Trem ( BI-DU ), De Rinaldi ( Karma ), Birra di Natale ( Orso Verde ), Brighella ( Lambrate ), Noel ( Baladin ), St. Ame ( Scarampola ), Christmas Beer ( Civale ), St. Nicholas ( Amiata ) Christmas Duck ( Olmaia ) Christmas Cru ( Almond '22 ) Kukumi ( Grado Plato ) Winterlude ( Duchy ).

For geeks and predators of the time: Paradox Caol Ila 2007 (Brewdog) Struise Pannepot 2007 ( Struise ), Ola Dubh 30 ( Harviestoun ) Affumicator ( Beck Brau ) Mummy vintage ( Montegioco ) Sparrow Pit ( Brewery Italian / Thornbridge Brewery ) Cnudde Bruin ( Brouwerij Cnudde ).

Besides quest'ira of god we have the usual fantastic tasting laboratories tenuti da Mastro Kuaska :
- Venerdì 11 (ore 18.00) al Macche: Oerbier Reserva 2009 (De Dolle), Fred From The Wood ( Hair of the Dog ), Angel’s Share ( Lost Abbey ), Beer Geek Brunch Wheasel Islay ed. (Mikkeller), Tsjesees Reserva (Struise). 30 mauri cadauno.
- Sabato 12 (ore 18.00) al Bir&Fud: 25dodici (Birra del Borgo), Christmas Cru (Almond ‘22), Birra di Natale (Orso Verde), X-Trem (BI-DU), San Niccolò (Amiata), Kukumi (degree Plato). Will present its brewers, 20 € to foremen.
- Sunday 13 (17.30) at the Bir & Fud: De Rinaldi (Karma), Christmas Duck (Olmaia), St. Ame (Scarampola) Mummy (Montegioco) and Christmas Beer (Civale). Brewers present a Venton per capita.

E 'already certain, but in the process of definition, a pranzone Sunday with brewers and adjoining tasting. More info soon.
All workshops, dinner and Sunday lunch must be booked at the Bir & Fud calling after 17:30 at 06/5894016.
Santa Claus has arrived.
Panza made my hut ..