Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Halal Cart Nutrition Information

Artecasa 5 2010 Lugano armchair

E' con largo anticipo che vogliamo informare tutti i nostri numerosi clienti della Svizzera italiana e non solo che anche per il 2010 saremo presenti alla fiera ARTECASA di Lugano che si svolgerà presso il Centro esposizioni di Lugano in via Vanoni 3 A . Sono già state definite le date dal 8 al 17 ottobre 2010 con i seguenti orari:

  • feriali dalle ore 15.30 alle ore 22.00

  • domenica 10.10.10 dalle ore 10.30 alle ore 22.30

  • domenica 17.10.10 dalle ore 10.30 alle ore 20.00

Tante le novità che Concorde 5 will present the 2010 edition. We do not want to reveal everything at once but a first taste we can give it to you. Given the excellent results obtained , the 'growing appreciation of all our customers , we decided to do things BIG . There you will find like all the other years STAND 723 but with a surface that is our twice that of previous years. In fact, the stand Concorde 5 will be 100 sqm, with 4 open sides 10 m . Our organizational machine is already set in motion to introduce ourselves to the best, preparing a new collection of modern sofas , classic sofas, sofa beds . More info and news soon!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

What Parts Are Involved In A Brazilian Wax

Tools of the trade

First is the thirst. De Grote Dorst .
The ethics and the deep philosophy of drinker you require call it "wants to experience new stuff '. It is more politically correct .
With a bit of healthy self-awareness know that the end is just thirsty.
chatterbox are useless with a glass in hand.
This is a product of the earth, ancient, charming, friendly, diverse and folklore.
It should be drunk, not deconstructed.
With a bit of critical sense is the experience itself.

In secundis is the wisdom of others who can communicate their passion, direct knowledge of places and traditions, personal memories.
Two new works on paper, therefore, will be invaluable.

EurHope .
A medley of unique experiences of flashbacks and still images from a Europe of knowledge and ancient traditions, dreams, scents and villages are often forgotten or angry, instead it lives and beats still part più bella e più vera di questo straordinario continente.

Guida alle birre d'Italia 2011 .
Uno sguardo attento sull'immensa produzione italiana.
Visitati i birrifici,illustrata la loro filosofia,valutati i singoli prodotti. Più di mille alla fine della storia. E non sono neanche tutti.
Questo per ricordare agli altri cosa si può fare in Italia quando c'è l'istinto e la passione.

Assegnate le Cinque stelle alle birre d'eccellenza,considerate la tip of our local production.
The balance is net of the north. Rightly, for now.
Everyone would have to say something. Including myself.
Recalling, however, that the beers have been tested more than once and always in the bottle. Why consistency is everything to some degree.
Live at the awards ceremony came to my mind Border, Backdoor, Bibock, Ortiga, VIS and Torbata.Tanto to come up with some excellent absences.
But the choice is one of the top Russian roulette.
attitude a bit less conservative, maybe he would look with different eyes to reality now di assoluto riferimento.

Ma per scegliere in quest'orizzonte sconfinato ecco che serve di nuovo il bicchiere pieno.
E torna la grande sete.