Monday, September 27, 2010

Colour Card Berger Paints

Artecasa Fair 2010 - 20% discounts -

Also this year we are pleased to announce that the now imminent opening of the fair in Lugano, Artecasa, all customers who choose to give us confidence, and then buying a sofa, a bed , a mobile living room, closet etc.. will be entitled to a discount of 20% from list price.

The promotion is not combinable with other offers, like discounts on goods displayed in the showroom Seregno for renewal or exposure on the site.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bracelets With Names Disneyland

nubuck leather

connect at the now imminent fair Artecasa Lugano , one of the many innovations that we will present will be the Willy modern sofa upholstered in nubuck leather. The main characteristic of this leather is soft and smooth its surface. It 's very strong, so much so that is also used for the production of clothing such as shoes, hats, bags and so on. The Nubuck leather that we will also present a treatment that will make it perfectly waterproof, anti stain. Not to be confused with suede. The appearance can be deceiving, as both buffed per conferire quell'aspetto vellutato e con una mano morbida e pregiata. La differenza però c'è, sia come qualità che come costi. La pelle nubuck infatti viene ricavata dallo strato superficiale ( pieno fiore ) delle pelli più pregiate. Manterrà così tutte quelle qualità che le pelli pieno fiore hanno e che abbiamo già descritto ed affrontato nel nostro precedente post DIVANI E QUALITA': LA PELLE . Quelle scamosciate invece, vengono ricavate dagli strati interni della pelle, risultando così pelli meno pregiate e sicuramente avranno una resistenza inferiore. Per la pulizia basterà un spazzola a setole morbide per rimuovere la polvere. In dotazione, come per tutti i nostri divani in skin Concorde 5, you can buy a cleaning kit specifically for Nubuck leather.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Can You Exercise During A Herpes Outbreak?

Artecasa Lugano

missing now very little to ' inauguration of the 48 th edition of Artecasa , the most important exhibition of the house which takes place in Switzerland in Ticino. As for several years, this year we think we have to better organize our event. Compared to previous years, our showroom has doubled . We switched it from an area of \u200b\u200b50 square meters, with an area of \u200b\u200b100 square meters this year, with four open sides. We are sure the best way to assert our products, our energies made available for best satisfy all our customers. Among the main novelties of the new bed Alex , made in collaboration with Mobilform , a leading manufacturer of rooms! We wait then, 8 to 17 October 2010.