Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Morgan Sofa bed-video-

Video of Morgan Concorde5 sofa bed lounges. The transformation in bed does not require the removal of the back cushions and seat. Very handy for those who have so little space and must use it every day as read. The mattress is available in soft, latex or memory in the following sizes:
  • cm. 70 x 200 h 15
  • cm. 100 x 200 h 15
  • cm. 120 x 200 h 15
  • cm. 140 x 200 h 15
  • cm. 160 x 200 h 15

The pillow back cushions are placed in a time that you must transform into a sofa. The coating is chosen from a removable and washable fabric or leather.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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sofas Modular sofa Concorde5 YouTube

E 'active for a few days the new channel on YouTube Concorde5 lounges. Another new service provided to all our customers so that they can see our sofas and better understand our product and quality. With the video Concorde5 sofas come to life, it's nice to see the movement of opening simple and comfortable sofa bed , Morgan and Denis . See the entire movie in a single production, going from modern sofas classic sofas to , upholstered beds to or pullout beds . Many videos are already in progress and under study. We will come directly from the factory in the heart of production, and how we construct a real sofa craft step by step. So stay tuned, and some surprises ...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

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Fresh shop and immediately put in window: George , the modular sofa with excellence! It appears now to the general public in una composizione nuova e con un rivestimento che attirerà sicuramente grande interesse. La struttura infatti è rivestita in ecopelle bianca. La cuscinatura invece è in tessuto bianco completamente sfoderabile e lavabile a 30°. Abbiamo scelta questa nuova versione con struttura in ecopelle per facilitare ancora di più la pulizia. Non necessita infatti di sfoderarlo, basterà passare con una spugna imbevuta di acqua e sapone per togliere lo sporco. Inoltre l'ecopelle da noi proposta è anti macchia e molto resistente all'usura. Le imbottiture sono in piuma nei cuscini di schienale e piuma più espanso nei cuscini di seduta. Il divano componibile George è rivestito anche nella struttura read with a feather quilt, which makes it even softer to the touch and comfortable in the seat. The composition presented by us is composed of four elements linked together with hooks for comfortable and thus separable for easy adaptation to new demands of space perhaps. He has a measure of cm. 318 x 202, but as always we remind you that the measures are not a problem! We make everything to measure the composition may vary from the armchair, the two-seat sofa, three seater sofa, sofa chaise longue or sofa in the corner.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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Espo Ticino 2011

Here are the dates for this Ticino 2011 edition of Espo Fair held in Bellinzona in Switzerland. We open the doors Friday, March 18 until Sunday, March 27 . The organizational machinery Concorde5 has already set in motion. As always, our stand will not miss news of new deals sofas, modern sofas and modular . We are also updating our brochure for the event photography, with many new ideas and by adding a section on pull-out beds, open beds , then turned twin or double beds, fabric or leather. Stay connected with us, more news soon!

Monday, January 31, 2011

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this excellent start to the year 2011! After returning from Christmas holidays (long gone) we were overwhelmed by a huge number of requests for quotes come from our program "customize the sofa." Many also received visits at our showroom in Seregno . We note with pleasure that customers really understand the quality of our products . Not everyone buying a sofa and go from exposure ben curata con tante idee di composizioni e colori, al laboratorio per capire meglio ciò che si acquista e toccare con mano la garanzia di un prodotto costruito da abili artigiani con materiali di prima scelta. Trova sempre più successo l'idea del divano componibile, adattabile alle diverse esigenze di ogni giorno. Un esempio possono essere i nostri divani mod. George , Kubic , Willy e Alex . Piace l'idea di un divano con chaise longue, che si possa trasformare ad angolo, e che magari per gli ospiti si trasformi in divano lineare con due poltrone per creare meglio la zona conversazione. Per chi volesse avere una consulenza gratuita senza impegno per sfruttare al meglio i propri spazi, non esiti a chiamarci o a compilare il form "richiesta di preventivo" che trovate sul nostro sito!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

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A weekend of joy

Col delay of one who pretends to have something to do, I launched the idea last stepping stone for good Tyrser to celebrate week of craft beer with a personal list of 7 beers for the 7-day gala.
week, conceived as a huge celebration with no boundaries of place and mind, it's a great idea that the old Turkish smoldered since a very long and, with firmness and practicality, as it has always managed to achieve . Chapeau .. However

  • Monday : she, who more than any other so far, along with the legendary Pioneer Mike Murphy (the divine providence, in those years , gave me a house 50 meters from Starbess) opened the horizons of my mind (until then monobelga). She, for lack of glasses the first time I have dishonored a barrel in the middle of the road in danger of Nubienne be the flagship of the brewery and bottles to which jealously guards the eternal memento .. His Majesty, the Royal .

  • Tuesday : Trastevere on a Sunday afternoon I wandered in search of a place to watch the game. All closed. Several years ago. I find a gaping hole, I put. Stream TV to stage volumes, sediaccia free wood, various plugs on hand. Go with the tango. And 'my place. Figures do not nurse to ask what they have. The type, metalhead from the beginning, it makes me that among the various un'affumicata there. Fuck you mean? I think. I drain from the ashtray? Oh well, what you do not strangle me fat .. lengthens the mug below. Was overwhelmed by the color of beer and four fingers of foam as a few tough. Then I drink .. E 'was and still is one of the beers of my life. Among the first try, among the first breweries visited (and one of the best ever), I'll stay forever moved by rauch and countryside of Franconia .. It 's the lame of Bamberg. The Schlenkerla .
  • Wednesday : an absolute masterpiece of the most talented brewers around. Parent never exceeded use the Italian barrel. Rightly defined by the Column " the first session sour " ever produced. A homemade blend like few others in the world and one of the most admired Italian beers abroad. He can drink a shot and be enchanted by the fragrance and freshness of the vineyards of Langa, as well as finish some thimble after another without even realizing it. It's a little fear, this Mummy, why can not be beaten.
  • Thursday : In some corners of the earth can breathe a calm almost surreal. The peace of an old monastic life for centuries, without haste, along with prayer, has refined the art of making chocolate, cheese, beer. The Kloster Urtrunk keller is an ancient flavor, cool cellar and strictly non-filtered, served in tall mugs of thick ceramic, according to the best tradition. Irsee to produce it in a Benedictine monastery brewery in 1186 lost in the countryside of Bavaria. One of those places that you approach a little closer to heaven.

  • Friday for me is one of the most amazing beer produced in Italy in recent times, plus as part of a project before which stand a hat. Having to draw a spontaneous fermentation, which I just can not give up, well then play at home this time and I choose the Martina . The elegance of the finest Belgian tradition of style, an ingredient of our own and here is a master key that will open the door gently to beaches where you can not go back easily.
  • Saturday : Westvleteren Blond . Because even here, maybe especially here, is the immensity of divine providence that hovers abbey of St. Sixtus. The simplest things are the true skill of the craftsman and this blond is huge in its simplicity. Lifting the finger at those who, in the name of the rankings, has tried to desecrate the sanctity of this brewery, let us stand up and sing praise to Lord.
  • Sunday : it is a Pils comes from Lurago. This is enough to standing ovation. Italy has more followers in proportion to the Beatles and more imitation Prada. But it is unique and recognizable come Janis Joplin e gode di un potere quasi soprannaturale: una volta provata non se ne può fare a meno. Pare che in segreto, al Macche, i fedeli più devoti siano stati tenuti a battesimo sotto alla spina della Tipopils , mentre da dietro il bancone si levavano canti celestiali di gioia.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

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Convertible sofas sofas on sale

Sono partiti i grandi saldi per i divani Concorde5 . Da oggi infatti fino ad esaurimento su tutta la merce esposta verrà applicato uno sconto del 40%. Divani moderni , divani classici , sofa beds and additions at a reasonable price. Devoted a section of the site " SALE COPYRIGHT " where you will find sofas exposed welded with accurate photographs, descriptions and prices for the balance. Will be constantly updated on products sold and no longer available with new photos. Good balance to all ...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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Article taken from "The"

dated November 5, 2008 Interesting article from "The"

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- Duemilaundici -

Beat the longed Christmas holidays, we reopened the doors of showroom già da Lunedì 3 gennaio 2011. E' già operativa anche la produzione, per garantire le consegne anche in questi primi giorni dell'anno. Abbiamo ricevuto durante questi giorni di ferie molte richieste di preventivo dal nostro sito e tramite il nostro programma per comporre la propria composizione di divano. Sarà nostra premura cercare di evaderli tutti in questi giorni. Per chi volesse venire a vedere e provare i nostri prodotti, vi ricordiami i nostri giorni di apertura:
  • da Lunedì 3 a Mercoledì 5 gennaio '11 dalle 9.00 alle 12.00 e dalle 14.00 alle 19.00
  • Giovedì 6 gennaio saremo chiusi per festività
  • Venerdì 7 e sabato 8 gennaio '11 dalle 9.00 alle 12.00 e dalle 14.00 alle 19.00
Come sempre vi aspettiamo numerosi e buon rientro a tutti!!!