Thursday, March 29, 2007

What Type Of Hairstyle Does Cat Woman Wear

Undine goes

[...] There are no questions in my life.
I love the water, its transparency in dense,
green water and the creatures
mute (dumb I'll be 'too soon!)
and my hair, among those, the water ...
The moist barrier between me and me .[...]

I did not need to be maintained, not pretending
solemn declarations or promises, just
night air, coastal air, air border to

to catch my breath every time new words, new kisses,
for a confession without end:
Yes'. It '.

Having made my confession
was sentenced to love;
when one day I love
released I had to go back into the water, the element
where no one is preparing a nest,
building a roof over the beams,
takes refuge under a tarpaulin.

not be nowhere, nowhere to stay.
Diving, stand around without wasting
forces ... [...]

Ingeborg Bachmann, The Thirtieth Year


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