Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bes Installatie Java Failed

Book presentation: "The biblical serpent."

The Regional Institute for Jewish culture in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trieste, Italy-Israel Association
Museum Hebrew "Carlo e Vera Wagner"

organize Tuesday, October 28, 17.30
in the Conference Room of the Jewish Museum "Carlo e Vera Wagner" Via del Monte, 7 - Trieste

the presentation of the volume of Valerio Marchi from Title:
"The biblical serpent." Mr. Riccardo Luzzatto in Friuli between the cult of the country, anti-Semitism and Policy (1892-1913) published by Kappa
Vu, Udine 2008, pp. 494.

Presentano e discutono il volume
Liliana Ferrari (Università di Trieste);
Annalisa Di Fant (Università di Trieste);
Maddalena Giuffrida (giornalista e pubblicista).

Sarà presente l'Autore.


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