Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gay Cruising Spots Disneyworld


up early in the morning, let us not be late the first day. Caffeone energy as half a pint a day probably hard to give himself an unlikely gargoyle polar decent tone. Ten m inutes of delay ordinance. Parking impossible, practically in the province and all lined up beside the entrance to school, backpack on his shoulders. You look around for friendly faces, but the others are all on time and are already inside. Experience tells you that your class will be the farthest of all. Anxiety in the face with some extensions to the classrooms of other courses, a small copper distiller shows you the way and finally arrive. And 'soon, but around there is already a good mischione. Do not ever contradict: the lesson of the first ready-now begun; Daje with the old tactic - think on the fly - move slowly and blend with others, if you're a good ninja, no one notices. Slowly find all the old friends and new ones just arrived, the factotum, the most feared professor and others who lend a hand. Ah, finally you can relax. Appeals mental, you turn and look to the counters, but someone is missing. I do not see the tasks Dano, Riccar of no, Nicola, and Moreno Flibus: absences elite that could weigh a lot on the average performance of the class. You'll find that it is not. Beppe and the boys look around Lambrate rightly pleased, ultras conduct does not prevent him to have results over the top. At the Campari and are in hot pursuit: after about a year of transition seem to have a new grand projects. Along with Cesare always have fun, while Augustine, Sergio and Yuri, the air is educationally more austere. Teo and Leo, now the bench together, in recent times have some entertainment, maybe for that project to which you are enrolled Erasmus recently. The mid-morning recess was called by a small flatbread to raw and emerged as the sole effect of hunger multiply exponentially. The thirst instead rises to levels Bedouins and walk brings you fast on the straight via. Watching intorno ti accorgi che negli ultimi tempi si sono uniti alla classe elementi di tutto riguardo: l’esperienza di Fausto e Max, la passione di Merlano e Simone Sparaggio, le fresche idee del Sud di Mario Cipriano e Raffaele Longo, i risultati di Alessio Selvaggio, la territorialità di Massimiliano Di Prinzio e la dedizione di Vincenzo Civa le e Daniele “Lupo” Cosenza. Senza dimenticare, anzi sottolineando, che è appena sceso in campo anche un pezzo da novanta come Valter Loverier. Qualcuno invece ha raddrizzato parecchio la rotta cambiando anche radicalmente look: il buon Gennaro ora lavora in maniera molto più curata, precisa e affidabile. E il vecchio Marcos, l’anarchico con le cuffie in ultima row? Buttons promises great things if he can not send everyone to hell. Time for the third time and Alex is already in the hall hang with those of other classes is no doubt a frontman of a certain level. This time, however, among the outsiders on the podium at the end of exams in the first year I put Louis Recchiuti, caciarone little but with some brilliant insights and his willingness Andrea Bertola: does not take long to get to know better by all his teammates. Fulvio also merit attention and Mauro, the two boys in the Alps Valle d'Aosta and the initiatives of the children of Certosa di Pavia.
the bell almost sorry to go. In good company hands fly, but I shall see them tomorrow. I must say, it's a great class. The right mix of innovation that stimulates and supports the tradition that, more passion. And together we can achieve extraordinary results.


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