Saturday, December 4, 2010

Berger Colour Chart India

Sofas modern approaches

Buongiorno a tutti. Siamo ormai agli sgoccioli di questo 2010 e ci apprestiamo a concludere un anno che ci ha visti molto impegnati su vari fronti. Innanzitutto un RINGRAZIAMENTO a tutti i nostri clienti nuovi e di ritorno che ci hanno fatto sentire importanti scegliendo un nostro prodotto tra divani , sofa beds, beds , additions or furniture. A PARDON if anyone, and there are few, we can not guarantee delivery times, which might have slipped a few days, but the work of the artisan is also made of this : a constant struggle with time. The company is growing, the quality and finish are increasingly cared for, the increasingly sophisticated materials. We have one goal: to push us and let us know farther and farther with our product 100% made in Brianza . During the year we were present in two major fairs on Switzerland-oriented public the Artecasa which was held in Lugano and 's Espo Ticino, which was held in Bellinzona . To take no part in this year The Artisan , which takes place in Rho taken because the amount of work this Christmas season, we would not be able to prepare al meglio. Ne riparleremo l'anno prossimo. L'occasione della fiera è per noi molto importante: è' il modo per esporre al grande pubblico i nostri prodotti, raccogliere le impressioni della gente e lavorarci sopra per dare un servizio sempre migliore. In fiera ci scontriamo a campo aperto con i nostri concorrenti, ci confrontiamo sui prodotti, capendo se la strada presa può essere quella giusta. Oltre alle fiere, noi crediamo fortemente in internet e nella sua potenzialità. Abbiamo da poco creato una pagina su  Facebook "Concorde5 salotti"  , forse troppo in ritardo, nella quale il cliente potrà esprimere liberamente il proprio pensiero Product and services offered. The blog that is constantly increasing visitors and appreciation. It 'always on an ad campaign with Google AdWords with many keywords that allows us to reach a huge number of potential customers . The last is not in order of importance the brochure photo. Enriched with new pictures, new models of sofa and with a new imprint graphics are more useful because it allows the customer to see the sofa set, made in various colors and compositions. All the photos on the brochure are also visible on our Flickr album Yahoo . These were the choices of marketing advertising Concorde5 for the 2010. Finally we thought of a nice surprise, dedicated to all our clients and contacts received, which will ship for the Christmas holidays. For 2011 we are ready with many new market, but for now enjoy this the end of 2010 to which we have given so much and so has brought us.


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