Saturday, May 5, 2007

Lose Inches Preparation H

from the mailing list of school policy

"Segreto di Stato: a Genova ci fu un disegno repressivo, prima condanna per la Polizia del G8 del 2001

La censura da parte dei media è stata rigida ed assoluta: della sentenza di Genova non si doveva parlare. Infatti incredibilmente non ne ha scritto neanche il Manifesto e dovrebbe spiegare perché.

di Gennaro Carotenuto < http://www.gennaroc arotenuto. it/ >

Alzi la mano chi ha saputo che la settimana scorsa a Genova c'è stata la prima condanna per i pestaggi della Polizia durante il G8 del 2001. Eppure la sentenza di Genova è un passaggio capitale per la ricostruzione della verità e la giustizia di quello che successe nel
capoluogo ligure oramai 6 anni fa. E ci spiega anche molto del disegno politico sotteso alla repressione.
Lo Stato è stato condannato a risarcire Marina Spaccini, 50 anni, pediatra triestina, volontaria per quattro anni in Africa, that the beatings suffered by the Police via Assarotti on the afternoon of July 20, 2001. Marina, like tens of thousands of militant Catholics of Rete Lilliput, was sitting with his hands up, painted white, shouting 'nonviolence' when he was murdered by the police. This they argued (sic) that was not possible to distinguish between hands painted white to Marina and Black Block. For Judge Angela Latella instead savage repression of Genoa and raised the curtain of lies to cover them-was one of the blackest pages in the entire history of the State Police and for the first time what is written in a sentence. Not only is much more severe sentence that is written in Genoa. Those of the police actions were neither isolated nor excessive, but were part of a criminal design. It begins as a case to confirm what the writer says, and writes for six years. In Genoa, there was a criminal design selective by the state apparatus. This design was intended to terrorize the radical left but not so much a Catholic pacifism, in particular the Rete Lilliput, which for the first time in a manner so convinced and went down to the large square welded into one huge antineoliberale face with his left. The girls and boys of the parishes were those who paid the highest price, especially Saturday. Their lengths were systematically targeted by the procession of tear gas and hundreds of them were savagely beaten. But, above all, tens of thousands of them, and their families, were scared to death in a fully logical terrorism. How many remained after Genoa at home?
the face image data from large earth deaf, Bush, Blair, Berlusconi, that peaceful movement, colorful, believable, made up of serious people and do not shut up of the sharks in the Forbidden City, which had gathered around concrete proposals for a new possible world of the Genoa Social Forum, was to be crushed. We did not know, but there were 50 days to 11 September.

reported on the site (listed below) < http://www.gennaroc arotenuto. en / >
excellent article Massimo Calandri, apparso SOLO sulle pagine genovesi di Repubblica lo scorso 29 aprile. E' normale secondo voi? Esiste ancora il diritto ad essere informati in questo paese? Prima condanna per le violenze delle forze dell'ordine contro i manifestanti: "Non furono iniziative isolate" G8, condannato il Ministero - Missionaria picchiata, risarciti invalidità e danni morali "Ho solo ottenuto quello che attendevo da 6 anni: giustizia"

LA PRIMA condanna nei confronti del Ministero dell'Interno per le illecite e gratuite violenze dei suoi poliziotti è arrivata nei giorni scorsi, e cioè circa sei anni dopo la vergogna del G8 genovese. Ma le parole con cui il giudice istruttore Angela Latella ha motivato la sua decisione rinfrescano la memoria. Ricordando a tutti che quelle cariche sanguinarie, quelle teste rotte a manganellate, quei lacrimogeni sparati contro le persone inermi, non erano frutto dell'iniziativa isolata o dell'autonomo eccesso di qualche agente. Facevano invece parte di un più ampio disegno -così
come le menzogne raccontate più tardi per coprire le nefandezze - , che rappresenta una delle pagine più buie nella storia della Polizia di Stato. Il tribunale del capoluogo ligure ha dato ragione a Marina Spaccini, pediatra cinquantenne di origine triestina, pacifista che per quattro anni ha lavorato in due ospedali missionari del Kenia. Alle due del pomeriggio del 20 luglio, era il 2001, venne pestata a sangue in via Assarotti. Partecipava alla manifestation of Lilliput Network, was among those who lifted up his hands painted white screaming: "No violence!". The agents and their leaders would eventually told that they were chasing a group of Black Bloc, which was a mess and someone threw the Molotov cocktails at them, which was not possible to distinguish between "good" and "bad": lies unmasked during the process, as outlined by the judge. The bad guys were for real, and were beaten to the police who opened a large wound on the forehead of the pediatrician in Trieste. Since those agents, as in most of the incidents of the summit, have not been identified, Angela Latella decided to order the Interior Ministry. The figure Marina Spaccini to be paid is not sensational - five thousand euro between disability, moral and existential damage - but the point is obviously another. "If it is clear that the Spaccini was subjected to an act of violence by a member of the police - says the judge - no one can even call into question that there was no question of either acting alone, to some self
excess by some agent or a fatal incident during a legitimate police operation time and restore law and order seriously jeopardized. " Because the police action was not "legitimate", it is now clear enough. This was confirmed by witnesses e in un certo senso gli stessi poliziotti e funzionari, con le loro contraddizioni: «Gli aggressori erano diverse decine; l'ordine era di caricarli, disperderli ed arrestarli», hanno detto, interrogati. Ma poi risulta che furono arrestati solo due ragazzi (non feriti), la cui posizione fu in seguito peraltro archiviata. La pacifista era assistita dagli avvocati Alessandra Ballerini e Marco Vano. Il giudice ha sottolineato come fotografie e filmati portati in aula «siano stati illuminanti»: «Si vedono ammanettare persone vestite normalmente; più poliziotti colpire con i manganelli una persona a terra, inerme. La stessa Spaccini è una persona di cinquant'anni, di cui giustamente si sottolinea l'aspetto mite». E poi, le testimonies like that of a septuagenarian lady who speaks of a "completely peaceful and happy event" and therefore have seen agents' savagely beat people with his hands up and helpless as you. " Marina Spaccini upheld the court with a smile: "It was just what I was waiting for six years. Justice '. "


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