Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Aging Female Genitalia

article by Charles Anthony "The economy" global "a sinking Titanic"

In place of class struggle takes over a journalistic formula: the "social question". Rather than a process of revolutionary transformation of society, believe that we can build a new society through state grants, how to build a new railway, it is presumed that the state as an independent reality, which has its own intellectual foundations free and moral, rather than treat this company as the basis of the existing state. The forms of the state are more or less free to the extent that they restrict the "freedom of the state." (K Marx, "Notes on the Program of German workers' party" (Gotha).

First Antonio Carlo in criticizing the current myths of journalism in the left and, using empirical data to refute the thesis that allow the fashion of the global economy "governed" by an Empire. The theories on planning introduced by certain ideologies of the 70 were transferred from the myth that the Empire State Plan-plan through its international bodies are the result of some intellectual fantasies of old-fashioned view of the condition of total anarchy in which they live capitalism in the modern era. By now the weather of the IMF or World Bank are reviewed at a later date at a premium. Interesting, but only hinted at, the transformation of classical dynamics relativa all’accumulazione di capitale in speculazione globale che porta inevitabilmente l’attuale sistema economico verso il baratro. Purtroppo Antonio Carlo non va a fondo nell’analizzare la dinamica speculativa. Infatti l’autore mette si in evidenza l’incremento inusitato dell’indebitamento USA specie di quello privato ma si limita a giustificarlo esclusivamente sul versante dei consumi mentre gran parte di tale indebitamento ( come dimostrato da vari studi empirici) sarebbe causato dal trasferimento di capitale all’interno della speculazione sui titoli, sui bond e specie sui derivati.
Interessante la messa in discussione del mito del boom economico cinese ed indiano “L’impero di Cindia ovvero il miracolo di cartapesta”. Purtroppo l’autore accetta i dati ufficiali del PIL (forse non conosce i numerosi interventi che contestano i criteri di rilevazione dei dati statistici come quelli di Thomas Rawski) ma nonostante questo riesce a dimostrare l’infondatezza del possibile sviluppo futuro da grandi potenze di economie ancora al palo se raffrontate alle dinamiche di sviluppo che hanno caratterizzato il capitalismo nei paesi avanzati (come l’Inghilterra studiata da Marx e dai classici). Poi analizzando la trasformazione del capitalismo in una sorta di organismo malato caratterizzato da dinamiche criminali legate alla corruzione non riesce ad evitare il solito intervento, tipico di coloro che vogliono dare delle ricette, in cui propone degli interventi immediati, Charles points out several times even though his soul roots. It is on these that I wish to say something. First, the basic income

"In the first issue (which it was derived from the article) I emphasized the centrality of the citizen's income, however, intended as an income that rewards work, cd job
This type of civic engagement objective is of overwhelming, because it contrasts with the thrust of the system that creates little employment (high unemployment) to bind it to profit, here we have a reverse approach (paid work and not linked to profits but to the social needs) that , however, comes from collective needs not adequately met from the system. "

Essentially Charles called citizen's income on the dole in this northern European economies, which is undergoing a constant over time due to scaling of the cut to the welfare state has become an inevitable law for any Government. In fact, the success achieved by the conservative parties in Northern Europe should not be surprised, even cutting the adjustment policies adopted by Labour in the UK and not just in this country. What makes it impossible for a reversal of this kind is the no longer in mass made by workers in advanced economies to push for a substantial reduction of the welfare state in favor of a wage recovery based on tax cuts. This behavior is dictated largely by the inability to recover through the old system of wage negotiations or through the recruitment of more jobs as in the years 80-90. The workers social status if they want to pay for themselves when needed.

How could a modern state able to "keep up a difficult balance between costs (high and always necessary) and cut" as stated above, the author adds a little later "Across the growing weight of debt public and private sectors can make the economy collapse, while the state is weakened and depleted appears increasingly unable to perform its functions tradizionali” Per cui oggettivamente incapace di invertire una tendenza verso i tagli. Non solo ma aggiunge lucidamente che i paesi sviluppati ormai ossessionati dal loro debito e dai servizi del debito non possono certo abbonare il debito dei paesi più poveri o cosiddetti emergenti “ come propone Bono degli U2, ma al “leader” della grande “rock band”, nessuno ha il coraggio di dire che se poi questo nobile atto di generosità fosse realizzato le più grandi unità del mondo economico occidentale farebbero un crack clamoroso. Più passa il tempo e più il debito cresce il che rende impensabile (in termini capitalistici) un suo annullamento, spingendo
sempre più i paesi emergenti verso la bancarotta. The system has created an unmanageable situation, the emerging dance on the edge but a fall would drag them too. "

How is it possible in a state of cul de sac of this type illusion that a government can afford to a "citizen's income? E 'less utopian to propose the Dictatorship of the Proletariat

" This raises a big knot, as that is possible, here and now fund this type of work, and the source in my opinion can only be the fight against tax evasion. On this land will be major opportunities for alliance between radicals and reformers, and there is the possibility to leverage on a wedge, a conflict that is emerging between capital and the bourgeois-national state. "

We dream the dreams, just before Charles stresses the link between criminal capitalism that now rages in all fields, and the political system through corruption and kickbacks that do not spare even the" reformist "government in which the author appeals to create a relentless fight against tax evasion. How can you achieve unity between reformists and radicals (which?)? And how could you outline the differences between radicals and reformists in government that achieves a total evasion battle? It might be a revolutionary government ... these days ... no?)
But it is not clear is the state that is left corrupt, but all are susceptible to corruption when the only way to achieve gains is determined by a dynamic construction that is now given only by speculation (in every sense). Even an association that aims to help some poor third world power game is obliged to bend to the needs of the first round of criminal activities in order to continue (and there are examples galore)

"Even in USA, the history of IM smoking and fast food (certainly not strategic, but still IM) is indicative: the "class actions" proceedings brought against them by large organized groups of consumers, hanno portato a condanne risarcitorie clamorose dell’ordine di miliardi (di dollari), nel più grande paese del mondo (economicamente parlando), patria delle più grosse IM, gruppi consistenti di cittadini (spesso organizzati in movimento),ottengono sentenze clamorose ed umilianti e ciò significa una svolta epocale, significa che si è eroso il consenso sociale al mondo degli affari e del capitale, che comincia ad essere screditato; per trovare una crisi di consenso simile occorre tornare indietro negli anni ’30, gli anni della Grande depressione."

Ma l’autore, forse illuso da qualche storiella rappresentata in qualche film di successo, non si rende conto che ormai esiste un business tra gli avvocati related to lawsuits against U.S. corporations that are paying citizen groups, as organized in the lobby, small sums of money compared to their profits, their activities continues with impunity
And in Italy?

"in the fourth quarter were recovered 2 billion VAT evasa171, who intends to recover
Prodi in 2007 by all means put in place, which means that the only can realize the full VAT recovery goal (8 billion € per year). "

How strange, the great reformist government has however taken care to make, along with his partner Padoa Schioppa, an immediate financial mind-boggling to additional workers and employees are not content with proposing a reform (?) pensions that realizes the Maroni simply diluting the outputs in time from work (the stairs) with a continuous run (and never get there) until the fateful threshold of 60 years. Germany, home of the welfare state as a powerful union, IG Metall, has reformed pensions adapting to what is happening in the various OECD countries

"Epper if the money they reap from the tax authorities were to be paid as they should become a basic income that could pays for the work of civil commitment and therefore would be created through other means of consumption, perhaps the most lifeline consumption that sports cars, but it would be this bad? " Here

Antonio Carlo falls within the logic of planning much criticized in the old 70's Marple, and how their dreams of planning from the bottom

"It 's also clear that for Confindustria is impossible to ignore an explosive issue and gangrenous, a problem that in the coming years will become a strategic junction of the various conflicts, which will be engaged movement, trade unions, political parties and the government (to cope with the fiscal crisis) and the employers, whether large and small. It appears, therefore, a wide front in the fight where the attack tax evasion can find consensus and "banks" as never before. "

And here we reach the summit, may believe Antonio Carlo che la Confindustria ed il Governo non aspettassero altro che i suoi avvertimenti sulla minaccia determinata dall’evasione fiscale? Certo che un fronte comune tra Governo Sindacati e Confindustria (che bella ammucchiata) sarà certo in grado di invertire una tendenza nella quale loro stessi sono stati inevitabilmente coinvolti. Cosa crede Antonio Carlo: perché Sindacati e Confindustria stanno litigando sul TFR? Ma per accaparrarsi un finanziamento gratuito da investire in campo speculativo . E il Governo? Sta a guardare tanto in un modo o nell’altro entreranno più soldi dalla dinamica speculativa e maggiori saranno le possibilità per poter mantenere in vita la macchina governativa indipendentemente dal colore che ha.
E conclude

"Oggi in una situazione che presenta profili simili non mi meraviglierei se riemergessero prassi ed obbiettivi di un lontano passato.(l’autoriduzione delle bollette e la lotta per il salario degli anni 70) Come si vede le ipotesi e le prospettive di lotta non mancano, se il sistema sta impazzendo non dobbiamo subire passivamente la sua follia."

Invece le ipotesi e le prospettive mancano del tutto ed è impossibile per chiunque fare delle proposte immediate. La ripresa della lotta per il salario non la decidiamo noi od il buon Antonio Carlo ma i lavoratori che purtroppo vivono una condizione di piena concorrenza tra loro, la disoccupazione e la sottooccupazione non fanno altro che indebolire ormai una massa di lavoratori che si fa ricattare ogni giorno. Dovremmo far capire in qualche modo ai lavoratori che ormai costituiscono la stragrande maggioranza della società e che senza il loro consenso questo sistema cadrebbe in un batter d’occhio”. Ma come si può realizzare una cosa del genere quando coloro che dovrebbero avere a cuore il futuro dei lavoratori sono i primi a non averne fiducia? Ma è inutile quando un marxista cerca di fare proposte “risolutive” si scopre ed emerge sempre il solito keynesiano.


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