Sunday, September 9, 2007

Humping Crowded Train

True or false?

di Rossana Rossanda - da il Manifesto del 04-09-2007

Possono o non possono i ministri d'un governo di coalizione partecipare a una manifestazione che chiede di mutare in aula alcuni aspetti d'un pacchetto di norme sociali? Dei quali il meno che si può dire è che nel programma elettorale parevano promessi? Squisito caso costituzionale, che oscura il merito del contendere: exactly how it goes with pensions, because they have such huge bales on the budgets of INPS, as there are insecure, if you really would inevitably required by growth.
Even I feared. But why would result in an event with or without ministers? The demonstrations do not vote. The only threat that the government is Lamberto Dini, who said that if the classroom, that is, the more legitimate sites, change the package is not yet approved, they will vote against him and his government. Therefore addresses, the concern, Dr. Dini.
To return to the merits, there would be expensive if you answer the following questions and thesis:

1. It is true that we must cut pensions (through età, scalini o altre pensate) perché il bilancio pensionistico dell'Inps sarebbe in deficit. Il bilancio delle pensioni, cioè il saldo fra contributi pagati dai lavoratori e pensioni erogate è in attivo. Vero o falso?

2. Il bilancio dell'Inps è in rosso esclusivamente perché sono messe indebitamente a suo carico le spese per casse integrazioni lavoro e una serie di altre misure assistenziali. Esse dovrebbero cadere su regimi speciali con relativa legge, lasciando ai lavoratori il bilancio delle proprie pensioni. Vero o falso?

3. I pensionati non costano nulla alla fiscalità pubblica, mentre vi contribuiscono pagando le tasse anche sul reddito che da esse proviene. Vero o falso?

4. La gobba that would have inflated pension expenditure in accordance with the provisions of the Dini government, has not occurred. They were wrong. True or false?

5. What a civilized country has about six million pensioners (out of sixteen) to less than € 500 per month is a disgrace. Or not? I would like to reply signed.

6. Much more remains to be said about pensions. Meanwhile, Massimo D'Alema will cease to swear that there is money. For pensions do not need. The prohibition to use the treasure to the service is not a dogma of the Roman Catholic Church. Take care of Afghanistan (in foreign policy if it was not so far fared badly) instead of welfare which are not known. By the way, had not found a set of adult male and guaranteed. True or false?

7. Precarious. According to the calculation of the precarious Luciano Gallino are four to five million, about one in four workers. And do not stop growing. True or false?

8. It is convenient to business, particularly in the tertiary sector (those in larger manufacturing job insecurity already exists at large), where the worker is paid only on days you need reduces costs and increases profitability. True or false? When the work is classified, the disposable it should be short but the company wasted a lot of know how. True or false? When the status is low (such as call center) is the insecurity that most resembles the work of the last century fragmented, with basic rights in less. True or false?

9. Only young people who have a family or have a qualification behind strong market (ie short), prefer temporary work that hard. True or false?

10. Aiming at a salary of general citizenship, and a chat. It would amount, according to calculations made in France by Marc Augé, about half the subsistence minimum wage when he made the killing of the entire current structure of welfare. True or false? There are ten theses and questions. Only after you have replied to discuss extremism and ceiling, and so on. Do it yourself first means to hide the simple truth, and the next primary.


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