Thursday, October 18, 2007

Should I Start Wearing Retainer

Kolno'a Festival: Israeli film festival

Reginale Institute of Jewish Culture in collaboration with the FVG
The Pitigliani - Old Hebrew Italian (Rome)

November 10 to 13
ADEI 2007 Registered Office - Piazza Silvio Benco, 4 - Trieste (TS)

The IRCE to build on the work undertaken in previous years, organized in co-edition with the Rome Festival Kolno'a (RKF) , a compilation of the best Israeli films and documentaries. The collaboration with the Institute The Pitigliani has allowed this year to deepen their knowledge of a filmography that, far from the national commercial channels, would not otherwise ever proposed. Part of the programming of RKF will be brought to Trieste after the exhibition in the capital with the following schedule: Saturday, November 10


20:00 Opening the week of Jewish culture

Speakers: Silva Bon , chairman of the DSU; Mauro Tabor, Head of Culture for the Jewish Community of Trieste, Dan Muggia, artistic director of Rome Kolno'a Festival 2007; Ronny Fellus, Councillor for Culture of 'The Pitigliani

Conference: The new cinema Israeli by di Dan Muggia - con una laurea alla Beit-Zvi Drama School, e un master in cinema alla N.Y.U. (diplomato alla Mandel School for Educational Leadership), Dan è stato attore, ed è oggi critico cinematografico, insegnante e curatore. Fino al 2004 ha lavorato alla Israel Film Service e dopo ha pubblicato il suo primo libro: 100 Film Masterpieces. Ha prodotto il documentario "Naomi's Corset" di Gerard Allon's, che ha riscosso successo in vari festival (tra cui il Jerusalem Film Festival). E’ stato managing producer del South Film Festival 2005 di Sderot, e membro della giuria al Docaviv International competition, al Jewish Experience competition del Jerusalem film Festival. Oggi Dan insegna cinema in Israele, al Sapir College e alla Beit Berl Art School.

ore 20:30 Sweet Mud (100 min) di Dror Shaul
fiction israeliano che ha avuto grande successo di pubblico in Israele i cui diritti
sono già stati venduti in vari paesi europei.

ore 22:10 Dibattito con Dan Muggia

Domenica 11 novembre :

ore 18:00 Ulpan (120 min) di David Ofek

ore 20:00 Frozen Days (90 min) di Dani Lerner

Martedì 13 novembre:

ore 20:00 Souvenirs (75 min) di Shahar Cohen e Halil Efrat

ore 21:30 My Father my Lord (80 min) di David Volach



Sabato 10 novembre 2007 ore 20:00

Sweet Mud
Dror Shaul

Israele 2006 (Colore)
Titolo originale: Adama Meshugaat (Terra folle)
Durata: 97 min.

Sceneggiatura: Dror Shaul
Montaggio: Isaac Sehayek
Fotografia: Sebastian Edschmid
Musica: Tsoof Philosof, Adi Renart
Cast: Tomer Steinhof, Ronit Yudkevitch, Henri Garcin, Shai Aviv, Danielle Kitzis, Gal Zaid
Production: Sharon Shamir, Dror Shaul, Johannes Rexine, Edgar Tanembaum, Philippa Kowarsky

History of adolescence Dvir Avni, a boy of twelve, grew up in a kibbutz in southern Israel in the seventies. At the completion of the thirteenth year, after gaining more religious age (the bar mitzvah), Dvir discovers that his mother is not sane. You see then forced to navigate between the egalitarian principles of the kibbutz and its complex relationship with his mother and had had to mature early and face a terrible choice that will change his life.

Dror Shaul, regista e sceneggiatore, fa i conti, non per la prima volta, con il socialismo del kibbutz in cui è nato e cresciuto. Ricorrendo al grottesco e alla caricatura, egli cerca di mettere in ridicolo e di criticare spietatamente il dogmatismo e l’ipocrisia di una società il cui fanatismo a volte sfiora la follia, ai limiti del disumano, delineando una società "folle" che pone la malattia mentale della madre dalla parte della ragione.

Domenica 11 novembre 2007 ore 18:00

David Ofek

Israele 2006 (colore)
Titolo originale: HaUlpan (Scuola di ebraico)
Durata: 123 min.

Montaggio: Ezouz
Photography: Ron Rotem
Music: Oren Menashe Idan Einav
Production: Edna Kowarsky, Elinor Kowarsky

Chin left a daughter in China and came to Israel for his subsistence. Used as a cleaning woman at the home of Ehud, falls in love ... Sasha has never thought of emigrating to Israel, but four years after his partner is playing from Russia with his little daughter, she realized that without the little girl her life has no meaning. He left a successful landing work in the old bus station in Tel Aviv ... Marisol grew up as a Jewish princess in Peru and came to Israel to learn something about life. But an unplanned pregnancy has changed its projects. They and many other characters find themselves in a course in Hebrew, all'Ulpan to study language with the teacher Yoel. Here we discover their personal stories are intertwined with that of Israel.

David Ofek, documentary, humorous and talented has followed for a year, its characters, inside and outside the classroom in an attempt to determine whether the study of Hebrew is still a necessary step in Israel for the construction of national identity.

Sunday, November 11, 2007 20:00

Frozen Days
Danny Lerner

Israel in 2005 (black)
Original title: Yamim Qefuim (day cream)
Length: 90 min.

Screenplay: Danny Lerner
Editing: Tal Keller
Photography: Ram Shweki
Music: Tomer Ran
Cast: Anat Kalusner, Sandra Sade ', Uli Sternberg, Pini Tavger
Production: Danny Lerner, Alon Lerner

Miao is a young drug dealer in Tel Aviv who spends her nights wandering the streets and bars. He sleeps in empty apartments where it penetrates to break and spends his free time in front of the computer screen. One evening, after the scooter has been stolen, she decides to make an appointment at a bar with Alex, with whom he had so far only chatted. Their program is però sconvolto da un tremendo attentato. Quando Miao trova Alex in un ospedale, in coma profondo a causa dell’attentato, decide di andare a vivere nel suo appartamento vuoto. Poco a poco i vicini la identificano come “Alex”, ma una volta indossati i suoi vestiti e preso il suo lavoro, ella si trova ad affrontare una realtà pericolosa e strana.

Sulla base di una situazione che ricorda quella di The Tenant di Roman Polanski (e a cui il film allude più volte), Dany Lerner è riuscito a creare con questo suo primo lungometraggio una opera enigmatica e forte che ripercorre in bianco e nero il trauma di Israele di oggi, all’ora degli attentati suicidi.

Martedì 13 novembre 2007 ore 20:00

Shahar Cohen, Halil Efrat

Israele 2006 (colore)
Titolo originale: Souvenirim
Durata: 75 min.

Montaggio: Halil Efrat
Fotografia: Tomer Shani
Suono: Amir Bar
Musica Shai Bachar
Produzione: : Sharon Shamir, Sirocco Productions

Shachar è un regista disoccupato che vive da parassita a gran scorno di suo padre, Slaiman. Per dare una spinta al suo futuro professionale, l’anziano padre gli consiglia di fare un film sulla brigata ebraica in cui si era arruolato durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Shachar non è entusiasta della proposta ma quando scopre che forse his father left in Holland "souvenirs", or had children by two women, he decides to make the movie with the intention of finding the descendants of the unknown father. The two set out on the trail of the party, beginning their trip to Israel, following in Italy and Germany, and coming down to Holland. The viewer accesses so the real story of the Jewish Brigade. In parallel, however, Shachar continues his search to find these secret forgotten until his relatives to make a shocking discovery ...

Shachar Cohen reveals in her first documentary film to its ability to give a comical aspect to a film that does not avoid the comparison with the historical truth even when it is an embarrassment.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 21:30

My Father, My Lord

Israel in 2006 (color)
Original title: Hufshat kaitz (Summer Vacation)
Length: 80 min.

Screenplay: David VOLAC
Editor: Haim Tabacmen
Photo: Boaz Yehonatan Yaakov
Music: Tomer Ran
Cast: Asi Dayan, Ilan Griff, Sharon Hacohen
Production: Eyal Shirai

A small Orthodox family, the father ( Assy Dayan), his mother (Sharon Hacohen-Bar) and son (Ilan Grif) are preparing to leave for a trip the Dead Sea, where, however, awaits a terrible tragedy. It Do? His silence continues.
As in "I am your Lord," the first chapter of the Decalogue, the monumental television series of Kristof Kieslowski, even in this film is treated the question of divine imperative in the modern world, through the riatualizzazione the story of the sacrifice of Isaac. With great restraint, the film puts its characters and its audience in the face of questions about the essence of faith and doubt.

VOLAC David, director grew up in the Orthodox world, not only offers a look, but can actually penetrate into the universe of religious orthodoxy of Lithuania, a cultura basata sull’Halakha (la legge religiosa ebraica) di stampo elitista e esclusivo in cui si sono formati tutti i capi dell’ortodossia ebraica, tanto in materia legale, spirituale che politica, tanto in Israele che nel mondo. Il film ha ottenuto il premio del migliore film dell’edizione 2006 del festival di Tribecca di New York.


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