Thursday, April 24, 2008

Letter Of Disconnection Ofinternet

"ISRAEL - History of a State. From dream to reality (1881 -2007)"

's Regional Institute for Jewish Culture of the Friuli Venezia Giulia
el' Association of Israel-Italy Trieste

with the Jewish Museum "Carlo e Vera Wagner" in Trieste
under the auspices of the Jewish Community

of Trieste on the occasion of 60th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel, calling the meeting to be held

Tuesday, May 20, 2008, at 18
at the Conference Hall of the Jewish Museum "Carlo e Vera Wagner" gc
7 Via del Monte (TS) in which talk

Dr. Claudio Vercelli, a researcher in contemporary history at the Institute of Historical Studies Gaetano Salvemini di Torino

on his book:

History of a State
From dream to reality (1881-2007)

His presence will be particularly welcome.

Claudio Vercelli is a researcher in contemporary history at the Institute of Historical Studies Gaetano Salvemini of Turin, where he coordinates the project uses of history, uses of memory. It 'also the editor of Shalom. Monthly Jewish information and culture. For many years, carries out studies, research and teaching on the Middle East and the State of Israel. Author of numerous essays, which appeared in publications and journals, focusing in particular its focus on the history of Jews in the contemporary age. On the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has recently published a book on Israel and Palestine: one land for two (Turin, 2005) and The Israeli-Palestinian conflict between past and present (Vercelli, 2006). For the types of Giuntina Publishing has published, as well as the book of this debate, too: Many Holocaust. The deportation and internment in the Nazi camps (Giuntina, Firenze, 2005)


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