Sunday, March 30, 2008

Pokemon Deluge Account Hack


capitalism's days are numbered. With the advent of new "economies Jerk" emerging countries (eg. China, India), capital of the industrialized nations are to these countries by channeling a number of abnormal investment in the name of profit. This ends to open even more the gap of inequality between social classes, rich and poor social classes, sweeping in fact the middle class or what remains of it.
In the name of this savage capitalism we are witnessing, as spectators, to a further enrichment of the ruling classes and industry, more and more pronounced.
For fifteen years now, a large number of transnational companies closed (or the more benign cases, lower) plants that are found in Western countries, for transfer (in cruder language) in these countries in the expansion phase. A classic example is when we consumers buy products manufactured in these countries, thus increasing unemployment in the West.
In theory you should create development in these countries, which should improve the standard of living of the people, but unfortunately it is not.
The question that arises is: how long will all this? If populations reach a maximum of 20 years, to equate to our consumption habits (having a GDP, unemployment and CPI as our society), they will also be full? What happens next? Who will allocate new products, or there will be un bacino di utenze atto a ricevere o consumare questi prodotti?
Dovremmo cambiare sistema economico, senza ombra di dubbio. Già lo prevedeva Marx, nei suoi scritti.
I dati della povertà in aumento sono molto preoccupanti, soprattutto in quelle nazioni pioniere del capitalismo. Per la disoccupazione altrettanto si è in crisi, per non parlare dell’incremento dei lavori atipici o a tempo determinato.
Ormai siamo diventati pedine di questo sistema-scacchiere e ci daranno scacco matto!
Il problema cruciale è: Quale sistema adottare in alternativa al capitalismo?, quali saranno le regole di funzionamento di questo nuovo sistema?.
Come ha scritto lo storico Hobsbawn in un giornale recentemente: “I paesi industrialized nations are seen to deal with these emerging markets on an equal footing. So the new balance will cover the relations between the old and emerging powers. " Finally I think I like
Hobsbawm, which we shall return to the Enlightenment, start believing in human progress, reason, transmission of power and collective action. Salvatore Bruno Battaglia


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