Friday, March 28, 2008

How I Make My Voice Sweet

the '

Many things are said, rather, are wasted on the '68. Of course we had the Workers' Statute and the law on divorce, as well as the Act on Health. Without
overtake a positive opinion on this period, which influenced the workers' struggles is certainly true, that it was the particular conditions of capitalist development from the Second World War, it is true. The opposition between those who force the proceedings on the first or second element is a matter still under discussion. Not so much for taking the historical period itself, even if it has revived the current election arguments of Berlusconi, but is now subject of historians. Instead interested in the implications at the organizational level workers are related to the current situation, especially if we consider the movement that animates many non-profit organizations that put the organization at the center of the workers in the party.
The fact that the Statute does not have freed the workers from exploitation, and especially the lower strata who were not working in state-owned factories have paid the price of the toughest economic boom, is also a truth. In fact, that the latter represented the ultimate act of destruction of capital in the economy of subsistence agriculture, which were, uprooted from their countries and their families to agglomerate in major industrial cities of the world, to make them the forerunners Law 30 of the Treu package, temporary agency and political repression in the factories, etc. etc.., exempt us from making an apology and a finding of a '68 all workers.
addition to all the rights achieved in line with the development of a democratic capitalist society, the '68 also marked the engagement of the wage board, obtained only after the strikes of autumn '69. But
, '68 ends with a period and is also carried out the final step of driving the INPS in the hands of Confindustria and trade unions. If the latter
historic port makes us say that it is an expropriation that we must keep in mind for how trade unions today bargain on pensions, the workers, however, may well say that nothing was left to him.
Indeed, if we look back in history on the issue of Social Security, this review is more than confirmed, because we never find in the first place the state, even if the first date back to 1812, pensions for state employees in France, and to 1873 for those of England.
For the workers instead find the Workers' Mutual Aid Society, whose first meeting took place in Turin October 20, 1850, and the first congress was held in Asti in 1853. Thirty
company workers, including four women, discussed the issues of old age, disability, assistance widows and orphans of workers.
the sixth conference also discussed issues concerning the working hours. It was the first attempt to use this part of the working groups for the strike against the employers. But, lawyers and professionals inspired democratic - liberal, accepted as honorary members, successfully opposed this tendency of the workers. They won these paternalistic bourgeois, and for the leadership role they had assumed, especially because they had both "culture".
in order to avoid the subversion worker permeate from the first socialist ideas, was deployed by intellectuals in the mold of Depretis the first attempt failed, the regularization of such associations by law.
The lawyer Agostino Depretis, almost always a member of the standing committees and supporter of charitable purposes only, Congress in Voghera in 1857, became the promoter of the request along with other regulatory legislation to be sent to the government. In 1859 he was already governor of Brescia, and in 1876 he was appointed to form its first government, a position that alternates with that of minister to become prime minister again in 1881.
Nevertheless, the evolution of the clash between classes impressed by the dangerousness of an independent workers' movement that reflected the birth of the Labour Party in Milan in 1882, and claims, albeit watered down, which followed the birth of the PSI in 1892, posero alla classe dei padroni e quindi allo Stato, la questione non più rinviabile della Previdenza Sociale.
Ma lo Stato il 15 aprile del 1886 si limiterà a riconoscerà per legge le Società di Mutuo Soccorso solo per fini assistenziali.
Il riconoscimento statale e l'unificazione delle società mutualistiche che seguirà, lungi dal rappresentare il buonismo del Re e del Parlamento, era solo lo specchio legislativo delle rivendicazioni e della pericolosità del movimento operaio. Benché annunciato teoricamente col Manifesto del 1848 e con la parte pratica avuta nelle insurrezioni contro i residui della vecchia società feudale, gli operai già avevano fatto presagire lo spettro della Comune di Parigi del 1871.
Infatti, INPS was founded in 1933, but it absorbed the powers of the National Fund for Social Insurance was founded in 1919, which in turn took over the National Social Security Fund for the Workers' Old Age and Disability, founded in 1898. A look back only the first labor movement, and this time he made the revolution of '17 working in Russia.
This indicates that the bourgeoisie, with all the money they have as a means to buy anyone, will never buy the entire working class and its social character is made only to the misery of fear it generates, because he knows that workers can not be reduced into a mass of dispossessed, amorfa e senza futuro.
Elp 18-3-2008


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