Wednesday, November 19, 2008

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In the fourth week

With the support of the Jewish Community and the Jewish Museum of Trieste "Carlo e Vera Wagner"

and cooperation of 'The Pitigliani Center and Hebrew Italian S \\ countries - events on the theme of migration

Thursday, November 20

Ayelet Menahem
Israel 2007
Color, 90 min.

The film's director is a graduate of the Beit Zvi School of Stage and Cinematic Arts, and now also works as an editor. His films include the award-winning stand Crows and Tel Aviv Stories. Noodle, who took ten nominations for the prize of 'Israeli Film Academy, was presented at many international festivals, such as the Haifa Film Festival where it won the Critics Award and the Melbourne International Film Festival.

Screenplay: Shemi Zarhin, Ayelet Menahem
Photo: Itzik Portal
Assembly : Einat Glaser-Zarhin
Music : Aldemar Aviv, Haim Ilfman
Starring: Mili Avital, Baoqi Chen, Anat Waxman, Alon Aboutboul, Iftach Klein
Production: Norma Productions

A thirty-seven, Miri, stewardess for El Al, is a widow twice. His orderly life is shattered by an abandoned Chinese boy whose mother, an immigrant, was summarily expelled to Israel. The film is a moving mixture of comedy and drama in which two human beings so different from each other as Tel Aviv to Beijing, the company will do each other in an extraordinary journey that returns them to a life full of meaning.

Saturday, November 22

Desert Brides
Ada Ushpiz
Israel, 2008 Documentary
Color, 90 min.

Ada Ushpiz formerly known signature of the Israeli daily Ha'aretz, has always been concerned to 'social injustice.
The film won first prize at the Rehovot Docaviv Film Festival and the Women's Festival 2008.

Kalot Hamidbar (Brides of the Desert)
Photography: Danor Glazer
Assembly: Ron Goldman
Music: Eli Soorani
Sound: Alex Claude
Production: Ada Ushpiz
The New Israeli Foundation for Cinema & TV, Second Authority for TV and Radio, Marc Rich foundation

Miriam El Kwader, una fotografa che lavora abitualmente per le cerimonie dei matrimoni beduini, è madre di sette figli e vive in un villaggio abbandonato, dimenticato da tutti. Miriam va con la sua cinepresa alle cerimonie, raccogliendo immagini che rendono allo spettatore uno tra i più grandi problemi della società moderna beduina, ovvero la poligamia.

Il film racconta la storia di tre donne evolute e indipendenti, cresciute in una società in cui si applica la poligamia, che tentano, ognuna a suo modo, di sopravvivere a questa dura realtà. Una di loro vive nell’incubo che suo marito sposi anche un’altra woman, the other already "second wives". In short, all work together against their will to a system that does not share and that is frightening.

Sunday, November 23

Mushon Salmona
Israel, 2007
color, 93 min.

The rookie Salmona stages a fluid style that holds together the picture of a fragmented society and creating a documentary realism, managing to escape the cliches of representation "proletarian."
A sincere example of Israeli cinema realistic social che è valso al giovane regista il Premio delle Giuria al Festival di Gerusalemme, e a San Francisco il New director’s Prize.

Sceneggiatura : Mushon Salmona
Fotografia : Ram Shweky
Montaggio : Reut Hahn
Musica : Haim Ilfman
Interpreti : David Teplitky, Adiel Zamro, Nadir Eldad
Produzione : Marek Rozenbaum, Itai Tamir, Michael Rozenbaum, Transfax Film Production

Vasermil è uno stadio situato a Beer Sheva, città nel Sud di Israele. Il film racconta la storia di tre adolescenti cresciuti in un quartiere dove vige la legge del più forte, che sperano di cavarsela grazie sports, football. Shlomi pizza delivery service, lives with his mother, sister and stepfather. Adiel, a boy of Ethiopian origin, takes care of a brother and a sick mother. Dima came from Russia, his father is unemployed and his mother works as a maid.
The three play together in a football team and are preparing for the local championship for young people, who traditionally held the day when we celebrate national independence in the stadium Vasermil. From here maybe you will get a glimmer of hope of becoming professional players: the secret to making this dream is to overcome the sense of inferiority, personal ambitions and unite with the team.

Domenica 23 novembre

ore 20.00
L’isola delle rose, la tragedia di un paradiso
Rebecca Samonà
Italia 2007
Colore, 56 min.

La giovane regista Rebecca Samonà ricostruisce, attraverso il percorso della memoria, la storia della sua famiglia. Guidate dai versi di Primo Levi sulla Pasqua ebraica (“Pesach”) Rebecca e sua madre cominciano il viaggio da Bruxelles fino a celebrare l’antico rito di Pesach, simbolo universale di liberazione. Il documentario è stato presentato in concorso al Jerusalem Film Festival 2008 nella sezione “Jewish Experience”.

Screenplay: Rebecca Samonà
Assembly : Letizia Caudullo, Barbara Fantini
Music: Daniele del Monaco
Production: The Altravia COOP. rl

pregnant with her second child, the director returns to Rhodes (Greece) with her mother Erminia, who has lived in the island's childhood years. The Jewish side of the family, the mother, deported and murdered in Auschwitz. According to fascist propaganda, Rhodes was a paradise of health and happiness, where the ethnic groups, Turks, Jews, Greeks, Italians in addition, substantial co-existed in peace. Here's grandmother grows the director, Victoria, who falls in love in 1936 by a Sicilian Catholic official, Ernesto. The director and her mother questioning a family friend, read the diaries of Ernesto, and retrace the places of memory.


By the Regional Institute for Jewish Culture in FVG

Venue: Jewish Museum "Carlo e Vera Wagner"
Via del Monte, 7 - Trieste (Italy)


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