Monday, November 10, 2008

Replica Iron Man Costume

in Fourth Week of Jewish Culture in Trieste

With the support of the Jewish Community and the Jewish Museum of Trieste "Carlo e Vera Wagner"
With the support of Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Trieste, 18 - 23 November 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

CONFERENCE: The racial laws of 1938 and racism in today

10.00 - Greetings authorities - Start work
Silva Bon
President IRCE FVG
Andrea Mariani
President Jewish Community of Trieste
Maria Teresa Bassa Poropat
President of the Province
Rav. David Margalit
Chief Rabbi Jewish Community of Trieste
Cristina Benussi
Dean of Faculty di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università di Trieste
Giacomo Todeschini
Direttore Dipartimento di Storia e Storia dell'Arte dell'Università di Trieste

Ore 10.30
Michele Nani
Professore di Storia contemporanea all’Università di Padova
Continuità e contesti. Per una storia sociale del razzismo
Il razzismo costringe ad affrontare la dialettica fra continuità e discontinuità. Al razzismo “eterno” o “reattualizzato”, la storiografia ha contrapposto una dimensione processuale. Fare del razzismo una categoria storica significa anche contestarne la “continuità culturale”, spesso ridotta alle manifestazioni "testuali" o "iconografiche". Contesti, strategie degli attori e usi plurali dello stesso serbatoio culturale, contribuiscono a modellarne forme e incidenza sociale.

Laura Balbo
Professore di sociologia all’Università di Padova
Torna la parola razzismo
Era diventata negli ultimi anni desueta.
Comunque improprio, e inutile, parlare di razzismo.
Interroghiamoci su che cosa possa significare appunto il fatto che oggi la parola ritorni e che sia questo il modo di procedere: fasi di latenza; il permanere di consenso sotterraneo, non detto; e, a un certo momento, il riemergere.

Francesco Migliorino
Professore di storia del diritto medievale e moderno dell’ Università degli Studi di Catania
Bonifica umana. La clinica dell’uomo nuovo
Nell’Europa dei primi anni trenta la diffamazione e l’odio dell’ebreo non meravigliavano più nemmeno gli ebrei stessi. Il disegno di bonifica umana attingeva con fervore biologista ai lavori del secondo ottocento (antropologia criminale, medicina”costituzionale”, dispositivi manicomiali, misure antropometriche) con la pretesa di esporre la vera essenza dell’uomo per sterilizzare le “vite di minor valore”.

11.45 am break

12.00 am
Simon Levis Sullam
teaches European University Institute in Fiesole
Rhetoric anti-Semitic and racist history and current

Tullia Catalan
Professor of the History of Judaism in the Department of History and Art History at the University of Trieste in Italy
Jews in the Thirties
The project aims to reconstruct the general features of the Jewish presence in Italy during the Thirties, highlighting salient features such as the social and economic presence in the territory, the organization and life in the communities, the relationship between tradition and religious integration, the role of the rabbinate and Jewish participation in politics.

13.30 Range

Elena Pistolesi
researcher of Italian Linguistics at the University of Trieste
strategies of racist discourse
The debate on 'insists today on immigration issues and traditional stereotypes of racist speech. This continuity is not immediate, often masked media and institutions. The critical discourse analysis studies the strategies of deep-discriminatory language is showing its ideological roots in common sense.

Silva Bon
President of the Regional Institute for Jewish Culture in FVG.
The racial laws. Persecution of the Jews of Trieste and answers
In the North East Italian fascist anti-Semitic persecution took the distinctive features for its widespread application, sometimes creative, the racial laws in a socio-political urged by a violent anti-Jewish press campaign. At a more virulent form of aggression against the Jewish communities rispondono con i mezzi che in un regime totalitario potevano essere messi in atto. La discriminazione, l'isolamento, la ghettizzazione, l'impoverimento, la fuga, la dispersione, degli ebrei costituiscono la premessa al tentativo del loro annientamento durante la costituzione dell'Adriatisches Kuestenland: in queste terre la Shoah non si presenta nè marginale nè superficiale rispetto al contesto italiano ed europeo.

Giacomo Todeschini
Professore di Storia Medievale all’Università di Trieste
Antigiudaismo, antisemitismo, razzismo: equivoci e luoghi comuni
Si è abituati, in storiografia e nel discorso common way to distinguish between anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism too schematic. It 'not necessary to deepen the common traits and differences that exist among specific religious or cultural antipathy toward Jews and racism itself. This may clarify some aspects of intolerance "cultural" of the past, even remotely, against the Jewish minority, have been the logical premise of specific racist attitudes today regarding both the Jews and other minority groups.

16.30 break


Roberto Finzi
Professor of History Economic University of Bologna
Discussion and conclusions

By the Regional Institute for Jewish Culture in FVG

Venue: Jewish Museum "Carlo e Vera Wagner"

Via del Monte, 7 - Trieste (Italy)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
SHOW: The Jews of Venice from 1938 to 1945
18:00 Preparation and presentation by Renata Segre
By Club Lambs

Venue: Jewish Museum " Carlo e Vera Wagner ", Via del Monte, 7 - Trieste (Italy)

See the Show: Risiera
di San Sabba Trieste (Italy)

20:00 Kosher break at the Teatro Miela - Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi, 3 - Trieste
in collaboration with La Perla Bakeries

Friday, November 21, 2008


Marcella Ravenna
Professor of social psychology at the University of Ferrara , author of the book: "perpetrators and victims. The psychological roots of the Holocaust and atrocities social "Il Mulino, Bologna, 2004
The nuclei of anti-Jewish propaganda in the press in 1938
The intervention focuses on the peculiarities of the anti-Jewish propaganda conveyed by a widely circulated daily, Corriere Padano in the year that marks the start of that Italian Jews for a long period of exclusion from the moral and social life of the country which then will result in the persecution of lives. " In this framework will be discussed the results of a psychological, character study, conducted on a corpus of 172 articles published during 1938, which is specifically designed to detect de-legitimizing beliefs toward the Jews and the type of prejudice and antisemitism in them traceable. The project also aims to gather links and similarities between the kind of propaganda and the one currently used against Roma

Organized by the Regional Jewish Culture in FVG

Venue: Jewish Museum "Carlo e Vera Wagner"
Via del Monte, 7 - Trieste (Italy)

Faculty of Humanities and the Department of History and Art History, University of Trieste Trieste

Jewish Community Jewish Museum "Carlo e Vera Wagner"

In collaboration with
S \\ countries - events on the theme of migration ( / disoriented / disorientated. asp )
Pitigliani Kolno'a Rome Film Festival-Theatre
Bonawentura Miela

With the support of Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia

A special thanks
in "The Pearl Shops"
Via Piccardi, 18 - Trieste


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