Sunday, April 26, 2009

Guy Check With Lady Doctor

: Lambic Lambic

STG is another symbol with which the lovers of quality products had become familiar. means guaranteed traditional specialty and unlike other brands such as PDO and PGI, refers to products the agricultural and food products that are obtained through the use of raw materials or a production method or a composition that are typical of a local tradition. Europe has therefore looked to the past, popular knowledge on which rest the old gastronomic traditions of the "rural 'products that have centuries of peasant customs and wanted to offer an adequate legal protection to the bond community with its territory and the most typical handicrafts. Let me take a moment to shyster. The certificate is introduced by a European Regulation of 2006, highlights the centrality of the call to enhance the characteristics of the product, thereby restricting the scope of the legislation and defining the scope. We read that " specificity" means " the characteristic or set of features which distinguishes an agricultural product or foodstuff from other similar products or foodstuffs belonging to the same category " whereas "traditional " " use on the Community market for a period of time che denoti un passaggio generazionale; questo periodo di tempo dovrebbe essere quello generalmente attribuito ad una generazione umana, cioè almeno 25 anni ». Per beneficiare della denominazione Specialità Tradizionale Garantita, il prodotto deve essere conforme ad un disciplinare che, a garanzia del rispetto d elle particolarità che lo caratterizzano, la legge auspica possa essere definito dai produttori stessi. Vi devono essere indicati almeno il nome specifico del prodotto e una sua descrizione, il metodo di produzione tradizionale e se opportuno, la natura e le caratteristiche della materie prime o degli ingredienti utilizzati, gli elementi da cui deriva la specialità del prodotto, quelli che ne attestano la tradizionalità and finally the minimum requirements and procedures for control of specificity. Now, at the end of 208, with a new Regulation of the European Commission, Belgium was acknowledged at the prestigious five of its more traditional products, namely the lambic and all its derivatives. Together with other products, is now protected by Europe one of the most precious historical heritage of this country through a certification of quality, production method and origin, set in a specification developed by the producers of lambic. A small step for man, one giant leap for beer ..

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Rb-539 Usb Converter Drivers

: visit the Cantillon Brewery

La settimana scorsa il Wall Street Journal ha pubblicato un articolo molto interessante sul Lambic, Sul le tracce d'un'antica birra belga , dopo una visita a Bruxelles al più raffinato produttore di questa preziosa bev anda: la Brasserie Cantillon . La particolarità che rende unica questa birra è che mentre tutte le altre sono fatte fermentare attraverso l'utilizzo di ceppi di lievito accuratamente selezionati tra le due tipologie classiche, ad alta fermentazione ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae ) e a bassa fermentazione (Saccharomyces carlsbergensis ), the Lambic (here a fantastic article and Kuaska another of the great Michael Jackson) is produced by spontaneous fermentation. The beer wort is in fact exposed to the action of wild yeasts and bacteria present in the native river valley Zenne in the area of \u200b\u200bPajottenland, southwest of Brussels. And 'a beer inextricably tied to these places, where for centuries the lambic is the best known popular drink , in all its amazing variations: the pure lambic is indeed "flat", but often two or more are blended lambic resulting from several years rise to foaming Gueuze or fruit is added, as in the traditional Kriek, fermented with cherries cherries, or Framboise with fresh raspberries, or finally as the Faro sweetened with sugar candy. For the phase of cooling the wort boiling, rather than poured in fermenters and protected like all other beers, is pumped and left the entire night in extremely large tanks, only about 30 deep c m, but above all open, so that the entire surface of the wort can come into contact with wild yeasts and microflora in the air. Let's say it here, at night, which happens quite naturally la magia.. L'antichissimo processo produttivo e la lunga fermentazione spontanea, oltre alla lenta maturazione in botti di legno usate per Porto, Sherry, Madeira e Cognac, conferiscono al lambic tradizionale un'intensità e una ricchezza aromatica ineguagliabile, con un sapore sempre molto complesso e intensamente aspro, acido. Pensare che oggi sono solamente più o meno dieci i birrai che producono o assemblano lambic, crea giustificate e serie preoccupazioni sul futuro d'una bevanda che ha segnato la tradizione e la storia d'un'intera nazione.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Drama...what Now?

Marchi e Marche

I costruttori delle correttamente chiamate " Pinball Machine "
non sono poi molti, si possono contare sulle punte delle dita di una mano .

Con questa sezione, inizieremo a conoscere un pò di storia
sulle più importanti ditte che si dedicarono a questo sogno .

Gottlieb (o meglio, la D. Gottlieb & Co.) è stata un’azienda statunitense fondata da David Gottlieb negli anni ’30, che produsse principalmente flipper, but also other types of games such as mini-bowling games, and in recent years even some video games room (including the remarkable "Reactor" and "Q * bert"). Like other manufacturers, the initially produced Gottlieb pinball mechanics, electro since 1935, and since the late 70s were a semi-electronic (solid state pinball).

The Gottlieb was the leading company in the U.S. and around the world for the production of game, especially from the '60s to the '70s, despite the fierce competition from other major U.S. companies such as Bally and Williams. The first machine produced, still kind of Bagatelle, was "Baffle Ball" in 1931. In 1947, Humpty Dumpty the Gottlieb invented the game, introducing the palette to repel the ball, which had a resounding success. In 1954 with "Super Jumbo" the Gottlieb pinball machine produced the first "multiplayer", that in turn matches for up to four players, in 1960 with "Flipper" introduced the first machine of type Add-a-ball, which allowed to extend the game by winning balls but without the additional repetition of the game, that the laws of some countries (including Italy) was considered as gambling. The last pinball machine produced by Gottlieb was "Barb Wire", the beginning of 1996.

Gottlieb worked for the best game designer ed artisti americani, quali Leroy Parker, Art Stenholm, Ed Krynski e Gordon Morison. Questi ultimi due artisti caratterizzarono la produzione dell’ultimo periodo “aureo” degli anni ’70, realizzando insieme ben 137 flipper, molti dei quali rimasti dei classici del loro genere, tra i quali ricordiamo almeno: "Atlantis", "Aquarius", "Buck Rogers", "Drop-a-Card", "El Dorado", "Flying Carpet", "Galaxie", "Jungle King", "High Hand", "Lawman", "Royal Flush", "Sky Jump", "Ship Ahoy", "Spider-Man", "Surfer", "Ten-Up", "Top Card".

Con l’avvento dei videogames alla fine degli anni ’70, la Gottlieb e le altre companies began to reduce the generation of pinball, getting progressively in crisis. The Gottlieb was bought by Columbia Pictures in 1977. In 1983, when Coca Cola bought Columbia in turn, areas of Gottlieb's pinball machine for the production of a new company were sold to Coca Cola, Mylstar Electronics. 84 Coca Cola defeated the Mylstar, which began making videogames. That same year, a management group led by Gilbert G. Pollock acquired the fields of Mylstar relating to pinball, Gottlieb continued the production of a brand new company, Premier Technology. The latter company remained operational until the summer of 1996 when the sharp drop in demand for the game forced out of business. The Premier Technology avoid bankruptcy, but was forced to liquidate all its assets aa benefit of creditors. Currently, the Gottlieb pinball machine (produced by Premier and Myslar), Gottlieb and logo belong to a holding company, Gottlieb Development LLC.

During the years '80 - '90 Alvin Gottlieb, son of the founder, still produced pinball, before the transfer of business. However, since the use of trade mark rights had already been sold to Premier Technology, Alvin Gottlieb could not use the family brand, and for this reason he created the brand "Alvin G. & Co., "where the" G. " was obviously the initial "Gottlieb".

But Alvin Gottlieb had little success and soon had to leave the business, especially with competition from Williams, who made strong pressure on distributors, in practice those who bought the game Alvin G., Williams could no longer buy from. Thus the "Alvin G. & Co., though it had a flipper production of good quality, has failed to establish themselves in the market was difficult, jeopardized by the overwhelming success of the video game Fatal

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WMS Industries is a company statunitense, produttrice di macchine da gioco e per l'intrattenimento. Fondata nel 1943 da Harry E. Williams come Williams Manufacturing Company, è diventata Williams Electronics Inc. nel 1974, e WMS Industries, Inc. dal 1987: WMS è una abbreviazione di Williams.

L'azienda è celebre per la sua produzione di flipper, ma anche per diversi videogiochi arcade, quasi tutti presentati durante la cosiddetta età dell'oro: fra quest'ultimi Defender, Joust, Robotron: 2084.

Ad oggi, la casa produce esclusivamente macchine per il gioco d'azzardo come slot machine e video poker, sotto il nome dell'etichetta WMS Gaming. I diritti dei videogiochi prodotti nel corso degli anni sono in mano a Midway Games, mentre quelli dei flipper sono di proprietà di The Pinball Factory.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How To Accessorise A Red Dress

Italian beer festival in Rome Saturday to Lambrate

Il 17-18-19 aprile, alle Officine Farneto in Via dei Monti della Farnesina 77, si svolgerà l'Italian Beer Festival, organizzato dall' Associazione degustatori di birra anche in collaborazione con i Domozimurghi Romani . Lascio qualche informazione utile:

Venerdì 17 dalle 17.00 alle 02.00
Sabato 18 dalle 12.00 alle 02.00
Domenica 19 dalle 12.00 alle 24.00

Qui trovate tutte le info per partecipare
A cura del Bir & Fud

Birra Amiata
Birra del Borgo
Birrificio Atlas Coelestis
Birrificio Baüscia
Birrificio BOA
Birrificio Orso Verde
Birrificio del Ducato
Birrificio Maiella
Birrificio San Gabriel
Stazione birra
De Molen
Great Divide
Hoppin Frog
Hütt Brauerei
Jolly Pumpkin
Lost Abbey
Port Brewing
Sierra Nevada
Southern Tier
3 Fonteinen

Spero veniate numerosi e soprattutto assetati!