Sunday, April 26, 2009

Guy Check With Lady Doctor

: Lambic Lambic

STG is another symbol with which the lovers of quality products had become familiar. means guaranteed traditional specialty and unlike other brands such as PDO and PGI, refers to products the agricultural and food products that are obtained through the use of raw materials or a production method or a composition that are typical of a local tradition. Europe has therefore looked to the past, popular knowledge on which rest the old gastronomic traditions of the "rural 'products that have centuries of peasant customs and wanted to offer an adequate legal protection to the bond community with its territory and the most typical handicrafts. Let me take a moment to shyster. The certificate is introduced by a European Regulation of 2006, highlights the centrality of the call to enhance the characteristics of the product, thereby restricting the scope of the legislation and defining the scope. We read that " specificity" means " the characteristic or set of features which distinguishes an agricultural product or foodstuff from other similar products or foodstuffs belonging to the same category " whereas "traditional " " use on the Community market for a period of time che denoti un passaggio generazionale; questo periodo di tempo dovrebbe essere quello generalmente attribuito ad una generazione umana, cioè almeno 25 anni ». Per beneficiare della denominazione Specialità Tradizionale Garantita, il prodotto deve essere conforme ad un disciplinare che, a garanzia del rispetto d elle particolarità che lo caratterizzano, la legge auspica possa essere definito dai produttori stessi. Vi devono essere indicati almeno il nome specifico del prodotto e una sua descrizione, il metodo di produzione tradizionale e se opportuno, la natura e le caratteristiche della materie prime o degli ingredienti utilizzati, gli elementi da cui deriva la specialità del prodotto, quelli che ne attestano la tradizionalità and finally the minimum requirements and procedures for control of specificity. Now, at the end of 208, with a new Regulation of the European Commission, Belgium was acknowledged at the prestigious five of its more traditional products, namely the lambic and all its derivatives. Together with other products, is now protected by Europe one of the most precious historical heritage of this country through a certification of quality, production method and origin, set in a specification developed by the producers of lambic. A small step for man, one giant leap for beer ..


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